
Exploring Singapore with Canon

Thursday, May 19, 2016

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One of my goals for 2016 is to bring my kids to some of the outdoor playgrounds that we have never been to, especially so for K as playgrounds are the best physiotherapy equipment around. She has been walking with an awkward stance and wide gait to compensate for the weak core muscles that still need strengthening. Guilty to say, we have brought them to none so far. Can't figure what we have done with all the time we had since January!

Recently, Ch and L went on a "Play! exploration around Singapore" with me. This was organised by Canon Singapore, and I was thrilled to visit two of the playgrounds that I have bookmarked on my list and the street murals off Everton Road. Accompanying me for this exploration trip was Canon's G5 X camera, which was on loan for the purpose of this photography trail, and my trusty iPhone. 

1. Old-school Seal playground (Behind Block 10, Dakota Crescent, Singapore 390010)

With real sand, terrazzo slides and rubber tyre swings, this playground brought back childhood memories for me. The kids have never seen rubber tyre swings and I think they love them as much as I do. 

Old-school rubber tyres swings!
Angles and Lines!
Interesting photo composition by Ch

2. Tiong Bahru Train playground (Tiong Bahru Road, S168732)

A 5-minute walk from the Tiong Bahru MRT station lands you at the Tiong Bahru Park Adventure Playground. With the tilting train as the centrepiece of the playground here, we explored each cabin and stealthily made our way through the train. There is plenty of playing space and equipment; from metal slides, flying fox and swings to the traditional merry-go-round. 

I notice the older ones enjoyed the flying fox the most. From strangers to friends, the kids took turns to push each other and raced with the one zipping by. The sun was blazing its full power that day, but even that did not stop the kids from enjoying themselves.

Look at the action!

3. Street Art at Everton Road (40, Everton Road, S089393)

Walking along this street and looking at the street murals is like taking a trip back to the past. Nostalgic.

I love the details that were carefully included into each mural, like the Milkmaid tin and the big-number calendar that my grandfather used to use. I miss seeing him tear away the old piece to reveal the new date on the calendar day after day without fail.

Read Life's Tiny Miracles for a detailed write-up of the beautiful street art.

What's real? What's not?


Lunch at PoTeaTo bistro cafe (78 Yong Siak St, #01-18, S163078)

The photography trail ended with lunch at a nearby cafe. I love the sound of that name - PoTeaTo. An apt name as the cafe specialises in potatoes and tea. The cafe atmosphere was lovely, and I like the little touches of love in the cosy place decorated with a minimalist feel. 

Bloggers being bloggers, we started taking pictures of the place and the buffet table even before the food was fully served. I was amused to see a little one taking pictures just like a food blogger! Very happy that she shares interest in what I enjoy doing.

Among all the finger food served, the fries, Mac & Cheese (vegetarian), smoked salmon canapes and chilled prawns left the deepest impressions. The mini brownies and mini lemon curd tarts were so good too! I usually don't eat brownies as I find them too "heavy", but these at PoTeaTo were light enough. The lemon curd tarts had a good balance of sweet taste and sourness. They were so good that I shamelessly "tabao-ed" a box of the desserts when Debra the owner of PoTeaTo offered. 


A little info about Canon G5 X

Weighing 377g, I felt the Canon G5 X seems a little heavy for a child but Ch was comfortable with it. We played around with the vari-angle touchscreen LCD, took some selfies and concluded that yes, the touchscreen makes taking photos a lot easier. 
The Canon G5 X is now going at a price of $999 if you are interested to get one. 

Disclosure: No monetary compensation was given for this review and all opinions and photos are ours. The Canon G5 X camera was on loan to us during the event for the purpose of this review. 

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  1. The pics look good! I'm a faithful supporter of Canon cameras. Haha. Oooo i love the train playground, gotta go someday. We went to the one at Dakota Crescent too and the kids love it, so old school! Thanks for sharing!

  2. I love the photo of the playground stairs taken by Ch. She has a good eye. I'm looking for an easy to use camera without all the bells and whistles, because frankly, I don't know how to use all those functions. Canon G5 X seems easy enough for me :)

  3. Love the pics! I am a Canon user too...The food pics made me drool!

  4. Looking at the pics, either camera is good or your girl got potential (or both) :)
    We enjoy the exploration followed y chill-time at Poteato too. (missing the Mac & Cheese already)

    cheers, Andy

  5. Ah! I didn't realise you went for this Canon outing too =) I have never used Canon before but I should try it out some day =)

  6. Hi Mary,
    thanks for sharing the lovely photos!
    I'm a CANON girl through and through, never got to changing any other brand :P

    The olden day playground made of concrete, with the concrete stairs and rubber tyres.... Wahhhh damn classic. I grew up playing catching with the neighbourhood kids at such playgrounds Hehe.

    Veron Zhen

  7. I love the pictures.. Canon always my fav choice too.

  8. Wow the picture quality looks so good! When it comes to camera, I always tend to end up buying Panasonic Lumix or Canon.


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