“No one's life is as perfect as their Instagram feed.” Nor their Facebook feed or other social media platforms. Globally, the average daily time people spend on social media platforms is 2 hours and 24 minutes and Singapore tails behind by just 12 minutes. I am definitely one of the outliers, considering that my iPhone weekly report shows that I spend a minimum of 4h...
If the Lord is willing, many years down the road when our hairs grey and our memory fades, I'll read out this post to my grandchildren and great-grandchildren to remind us of the many blessed moments we shared as a family. Sharing our family votes for the best nine family moments in 2016 - because the best nine is not just about the...
Very often, when we feel that we are unable to control the situations or life challenges that we are facing, we shrug our shoulders with a sigh, and say "no choice" or "I don't have a choice.". I hear this phrase very often, and it's like THE phrase we go to, to express our inadequacy at managing that situation. I hear it among...
This week is a very busy one for the family. The family calendar is heavily marked out in colours - one colour for each of us. When I see the number of items on the calendar, I worry that I might absent-mindedly pick the older ones at the wrong dismissal timing or miss out on K's therapy appointment. It has happened before. Many...
Children's Day has always been the most special day of a child's primary school life. Most often than not, the child comes home with a bag of presents and sweet treats generously blessed by their teachers. It is amazing how generous teachers can be during Children's Day, and how much thought they put in to make this day memorable for their pupils. Although memories of...
It has been one month into the year of 2015. For those of you who make resolutions at the start of the year, how successful have you been at keeping them? Personally, I do not have the habit of making resolutions. Based on past experiences, I fail terribly at keeping them as I don't have the discipline to. If you are one of...
October is Down Syndrome (DS) Awareness Month in the United States, and I just want to take this opportunity to mention it here today. I am a part of a support group of parents who have children with DS. This group is amazing as we have a mentee-mentor relationship where the mentee is a new parent with a newborn with DS. Even though...
Since K's birth, going to KK Women's and Children's Hospital (KKH) has been a frequent affair for me. Sometimes, if she has two appointments in a day, I get to spend time with her while waiting. Shopping at my favourite places like Mothercare and having lunch - just the two of us - make the waiting time seemingly short. I also get to...