My Amigurumi
Sometimes, in the midst of all the madness happening around at home - kids running around, screaming and pretending they are fighting monsters, me battling with the over-tired ones after school, trying to convince K to put something edible into her mouth - I just wish that the floor can somehow open up and swallow me in, even if it's just for a few minutes, so that my ears can rest.
As a full-time homemaker now, I hold on to my sanity by paying more attention to what makes me happy. Coffee makes me happy. Chatting with my BFFs make me happy. Reading makes me happy.
But my latest happy "place" is to the world of crocheting where I can create amigurumi (crocheted soft toys). Amigurumi is a Japanese term which simply means "crocheted or knitted stuff toys". With a crochet hook and some yarn in my hands, the whole world pauses ... even the kids seem to freeze in motion.
But my latest happy "place" is to the world of crocheting where I can create amigurumi (crocheted soft toys). Amigurumi is a Japanese term which simply means "crocheted or knitted stuff toys". With a crochet hook and some yarn in my hands, the whole world pauses ... even the kids seem to freeze in motion.
Crocheting is easy to learn, but patience and practice are key to hone the skill. I learnt how to crochet all these cute stuff toys by watching Youtube videos and reading crochet blogs and tips written by very experienced crocheters. Many of the crocheters are also very willing to advise and help when I email to ask for help. Now, with many of the crocheters on Facebook or Instagram, it's even easier to get help from them when you can't quite figure out the more difficult steps.
These are what I have crocheted so far. I'll be adding on pictures of what I crochet along the way.