
The birth story of K (2)

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Months passed, and it was finally the last two weeks of the pregnancy. ZY prayed for Kayleen every night, that she will be a healthy baby, and that I would have a smooth delivery. We waited eagerly for our precious baby to arrive into our world. 

Just slightly more than two weeks ago (17 Aug 2011), I felt contractions. It was like menstrual cramps, and they occurred every 10 to 15 min. I tolerated with the pains the whole night and when day came, I went to Dr Kee just to make sure that everything was alright.

Dr Kee did a CTG and an ultrasound scan and assured that baby was fine, and it looked like she could still stay in for another week. Her expected arrival date was 27 Aug. So, relieved by his words, I went back to work. However, when night came, the contractions became stronger. Every contraction woke me from my sleep. Some were so painful that I moaned while tossing and turning on bed.

In the morning, Dr Kee told me to go to his clinic again as I had a little bloody discharge, possibly a 'show'. ZY packed his stuff and I took my hospital bag. We explained to L that his little sister could be coming out that day, so mommy and daddy had to go to the hospital. L and my helper went to my mil's house and we proceeded to the clinic. When I reached at 9+ am, Dr Kee checked my cervix and announced that I was 5 cm dilated! He immediately got his nurse to inform the hospital. I had wanted to make a detour to Longhouse and get my prawn noodles that I had craved for a few days, but Dr Kee insisted that I went to the hospital immediately. The third delivery is usually very fast, he said.

We were so excited! We would see Kayleen today! 18 Aug! One week earlier than expected! Ch and L would be able to see their baby sister soon! We made calls to our parents to tell them of the good news too.

I was greeted by a friendly receptionist at the hospital who gave us directions to the delivery suite. Once there, I changed into the hospital gown and the nurse strapped me to the CTG machine to monitor my uterine contractions. ZY and I chatted for a while, then he went to get his lunch while I rested. Nothing much happened after that. My contractions also seemed to die down, with one contraction every 30 min only. I got bored and checked fb as well as whatsapp my close friends. ZY even took a quick nap on the couch.

While waiting, the nurse asked if I needed an epidural. I had ordered for epidural for my first 2 deliveries as I was not prepared to bear with the long labour pains. So this time round, I was quite ready to use it too. But the nurse seemed to tell me that there was no need for it. The third delivery is usually fast, she said. Again, the same comment. So, to be sure, I asked the nurse how painful the labour pains will be when they come. She looked at the CTG chart and said that it should be as painful as what I was experiencing with each contraction, but with a shorter frequency. I imagined the pain. Perhaps it won't be THAT painful since each contraction is still bearable. I whatsapp my friends about this. Kayleen's godfather encouraged me to go all natural and even created a song about it! (sing to the tune of "I have decided to follow Jesus)

I have decided sans epidural,
I have decided sans epidural,
I have decided sans epidural,
No turning back, no turning back.

At around 3 pm, Dr Kee arrived and ordered for a drip to increase the frequency of my contractions. After breaking my water bag, he left for his clinic, saying that he'll be back soon. Also assured that everything would be done by 4:30 pm.

Then, the actions started. I felt surges of labour pains from the contractions, getting closer and closer. The drip is so amazing! The contractions got more intense and the nurse suggested using nitrous oxide gas. I had used this during Ch's delivery and it didn't work at all. It almost made me faint. But the nurse assured that she would guide me on how to use it effectively. I obeyed. True enough, it worked! Each contraction was not so painful now, but the urge to push got stronger and stronger. I shouted that I had to push baby out, but the nurse said no, and that Dr Kee had not arrived yet.

Then everything went hazy. I remember crying, perhaps from all the action and the emotions built up inside me. I took a while to recover from the daze, and Dr Kee stepped into the room. Things went fast after that. I was told to push as hard as I could. It was easy as I could feel the contractions without epidural. However, by the second push, I had used up all my energy. I went into the hazy state again. I don't want to push anymore!! I'm too tired!! I remember ZY shouting into my ear and asking me to push once more after I rested. And I remember Dr Kee telling me to push as baby cannot be in that position for too long. With my final little bit of energy that was left, I gave a long push... and I felt it! I felt baby slip out of me! And I did it without epidural!!

The nurse put Kayleen in my arms. Ah..my baby! She wasn't exactly beautiful or cute though, as she looked so red and wrinkly, but still... she's my precious girl whom I carried for 39 weeks. ZY took a few photographs of us, and the nurse suggested breastfeeding. Now? I thought. I'm just too tired to do this! I requested to delay breastfeeding though I knew it was not advisable. I paid a price for this bad decision, as Kayleen rejected latching on for 2 weeks.

After baby was warmed up and measured, and I had my placenta removed, I rested on the delivery bed. I was exhausted and hungry! Then I remembered the prawn noodles that I didn't manage to eat. Argh! I was so hungry that I had gastric pains! Regret, regret! 

Looking through the photos that ZY took that day, I realise that he wasn't in any of the photos! Poor daddy! As usual, he would say. So, here's a photo of daddy pushing Kayleen to the nursery (imagine he's in the photo lah!)

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  1. haha, very interesting and had me laughing at many parts. u actually wrote out the song! and yes, i can imagine ZY in the last pic! hahaha. K is heavier than T at birth. T was 2.425kg!


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