
How we encourage early reading habits (and a Children's Day Giveaway)

Books Friday, October 09, 2015
[This post contains affiliate links.] You know that reading is important, and is a good habit to inculcate in our kids.  You know that reading helps the child strengthen his foundation in the language.  But how do you shape that love for reading in your child? Here's sharing the journey we have taken (since 10 years ago) to raise at least 2 avid...

Birth Stories: The birth of K (or, I did it without epidural!)

all about K Tuesday, August 18, 2015
** This post was originally published in September 2011, and is republished and updated with more details as part of our family's celebration for K's 4th birthday. Can you imagine that? My Princess Warrior is FOUR today! To God be the Glory! Eph 2:10   For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we...

Crocheting a Slugterra Tazerling Joules toy

Craft Tuesday, July 28, 2015
This crochet project started in October 2014 after I made an Eli Shane costume for L to wear to school on Children's Day. He got me interested in the Slugterra cartoon and after looking at so many pictures of Slugterra slugs, an idea struck. Why don't I make a soft toy slug for him? It'll be fun to have a slug in 3D form instead of...

Review and Giveaway: Birthday fun at Zoom Park Singapore

all about Ch Thursday, July 23, 2015
For the past 7 weeks without a domestic helper, Ch and L had to help around more. Initially, Ch did show a little resistance as it meant more restrictions to her freedom at home. However, she quickly understood the importance of her contributions. It touches me immensely to see her rising to the occasion and assuming the big sister role to help even before I...

We learn Chinese by making popcorns

all about L Sunday, July 05, 2015
This was L's Chinese homework from his enrichment class. Did you manage to spot his mistakes?  Like many typical Singaporean kids, L does not have enough exposure to the Chinese language as we seldom speak the language. This is probably one main reason why the Chinese enrichment centres are booming in their business here. It doesn't help that we also read more English books than...

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