
[Review] Aulora Pants with Kodenshi for a busy Mom

Health & Wellness Wednesday, July 22, 2020
Lower backaches. Stiffness in my joints. Heel pain. These problems have been torturing me for a few years. Sometimes I wonder - are these the costs of fulfilling my Mom responsibilities or the consequence of not listening to the good old advice to abstain from bathing during the confinement days? Or could it be the result of using epidural during my first 2...

I didn't tell you.

Reflections Tuesday, July 14, 2020
“No one's life is as perfect as their Instagram feed.” Nor their Facebook feed or other social media platforms. Globally, the average daily time people spend on social media platforms is 2 hours and 24 minutes and Singapore tails behind by just 12 minutes. I am definitely one of the outliers, considering that my iPhone weekly report shows that I spend a minimum of 4h...

[Review] More Comfy Economy Class Travel with Fly LegsUp

Children products Friday, July 13, 2018
The last we flew was in 2013 when K was 2 years old. It was a night flight and K used my lap as her pillow. By the time we reached the Hong Kong International Airport, I couldn't feel my leg anymore and suffered a backache as I had to maintain my sitting posture to let her have a good sleep. So before we...

March Instagram Round-Up

Family Sunday, April 22, 2018
It has been 8 months since we stopped having a stay-in helper. Life has been crazy, well, at least for me, as I have to take over the tasks that used to be done by my helper, on top of what I usually have to do. I cannot understand why there are so many clothes to wash, hang up, bring down and keep...

Eulogy for Grandma from her grandchildren

Family Saturday, March 31, 2018
My beloved maternal grandmother, Mdm Chew Siew Hong, fondly known as Ah Ma by all her grandchildren, passed away peacefully on Wednesday, 28 Mar 2018. I delivered my first eulogy on behalf of her grandchildren. The eulogies of Cousins Grace and Kenneth are also included here as a keepsake for my extended family. As read yesterday at her funeral service yesterday (Friday, 30...

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