People have asked me the question, or have given me THE look that hints that the person is thinking of that question but is just too polite to ask. Yea, K is a Down's baby. To be more accurate, I would prefer that you refer to K as a child with Down Syndrome (DS) . She does not belong to John Langdon Down,...
I got a shock this morning when I saw this note near the bed: It is from L. I was so puzzled... Why did he say 'do not WINE in the morning'? We don't drink, so why did he write about alcohol all of a sudden? Then I recall. For the last 3 mornings, L had been whining and throwing a small tantrum...
Having time to craft with my children is something I enjoy and treasure. The time spent together to make something allows me to chat with the older two children as well as to observe their personalities. One of my children tends to be more meticulous than the other, and it has shown time and again, through the art pieces. So, when I was invited to the...
This post appeared in Tan Family Chronicles as part of the Pray with Us series. I was 34 years old when I got pregnant with my third child. Based on my age, I had less than 1% chance of having one with Down Syndrome (DS). K, my third child, was medically confirmed to have Trisomy 21, or commonly known as Down Syndrome, after...
Got this when I came back late last night. L stayed up to give me this surprise which was initiated by Ch and prepared by both of them. There are two bouquets- one for hubby and one for me :) This is especially meaningful as our Valentine's Day celebration will be spent in the hospital with K. Linking up with: var _gaq =...